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2017-04-18 17:34:40 475


Shanghai Jiao Tong University


China CEO International Wealth Management


(Project number: 22100016)


院校介绍】college introduction

上海交通大学是我国历史最悠久、享誉海内外的高等学府之一,是教育部直属并与上海市共建的全国重点大学。十九世纪末,甲午战败,民族危难。中国近代著名实业家、教育家盛宣怀和一批有识之士秉持自强首在储才,储才必先兴学的信念,于1896年在上海创办了交通大学的前身——南洋公学。建校伊始,学校即坚持求实学,务实业的宗旨,以培养第一等人才为教育目标,精勤进取,笃行不倦,在二十世纪二三十年代已成为国内著名的高等学府,被誉为东方MIT” 经过121年的不懈努力,上海交通大学已经成为一所综合性、研究型、国际化的国内一流、国际知名大学。

Shanghai Jiao Tong University is one of the institutions of higher education with the longest history and high reputation all over the world and it is a national key university under the Ministry of Education and co-developed by Shanghai directly. At the end of the 19th century, China was defeated in the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and the National is facing a crisis. Sheng Xuanhuai, a well-known modern Chinese businessman and educator, adhered to the idea of “The priority of self-improvement is talent-storage, while the priority of talent-storage is education” with a batch of far-sighted men. They established the predecessor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in Shanghai in 1896——Nanyang College. At the beginning of its establishment, the university adhered to the aim of “seeking real learning and pursuing industry” and it treated the cultivation of “first-class talents” as educational objective. It kept forging ahead and worked persistently without weariness. In the 1920s and the 1930s, it became a well-known institution of higher education in China and was known as “Eastern MIT”. After 121 years of unremitting efforts, Shanghai Jiao Tong University has become a “comprehensive, research-oriented and international” domestically first-class and internationally-famous university.



课程背景】Curriculum Background



In the past 40 years of Chinese economic reform and opening up, the generation with progressive enterprising spirit has accumulated a large amount of wealth rapidly. However, with the deepening reform, national industrial transformation and the establishment and completion of marketization economic structure, people who have created the large amount of wealth are faced with a more important question: any industry has periods of rise and decline, how to keep increasing the value of wealth? How to plan a happier wealthy life? When family succession change, how to make a hundred years of wealth inheritance?


中国富裕阶层已完全进入全球资产配置时代。随着财富国际化的发展趋势,201711日中国正式启动CRScommon reporting System)共同税务汇报系统,20189月将与CRS其它成员国进行第一次金融账户涉税信息交换。届时,很多中国人的海内外资产将无处遁形,如何适应CRS政策,已成为中国富人关心的热点话题。

The affluent class in China has entered the age of global asset allocation. With the development trend of wealth internationalization, China officially launched CRS (common reporting System) on January 1st, 2017, and it will be the first financial account tax-related information exchange with other CRS member countries in September 2018. At that time, a lot of Chinese overseas assets will be nowhere to hide. Then, how to adapt to CRS policies has become a hot topic for concern Chinese rich.



Shanghai Jiao Tong University has organized domestic and foreign top-grade teachers and resources of investment field, imitated wealth management experiences of centennial families in Europe and the USA, combined characteristics of Chinese wealth crowd,launched the special course of “International Wealth Management”, which aims to have students understand world-leading investment and management philosophies multi-dimensionally, grasp the most practical and most effective methods of wealth management, understand how to distinguish the complicated investment choices, conduct scientific wealth management, have enterprise assets and individual wealth appreciate effectively and realize beautiful wealthy life!


课程价值】 Curriculum Value


Wealth management: Wealth growth ,Wealth creation ,Wealth protection ,Wealth leverage ,  Spirit or wealth   Wealth  succession

课程收获】 Curriculum Achievements


l   洞悉全球财富管理行业的前世今生,把握未来发展趋势

l   Understanding the history of global wealth management industry, grasping future development trend

l   熟悉国外金融市场的环境和规则,了解在海外资产配置过程中可能遇到的陷阱及避险方法

l   Being familiar with the environment and rules of foreign financial market, understanding possible “traps” in overseas asset allocation process and how to avoid risks

l   学习海外家族企业财富管理与传承的经验

l   Learning experiences of wealth management and succession from overseas family enterprises

l   研讨瑞士私人银行在财富管理领域的前沿理论和成功案例

l   Discussing cutting-edge theories of wealth management field from Swiss private banks and successful cases

l   深度剖析国内各类市场上的产品,学习如何选择最适合的产品组合,全面提升投资能力

l   Analyzing various products in domestic market, learning how to choose the most suitable portfolio and improving investment ability comprehensively

l   面对面与海内外财富管理大师交流心得

l   Communicating with Chinese and foreign masters at wealth management face to face

l   实操财税管理及海外资产配置

l   Real operation of taxation management and overseas asset allocation


课程设置】 Curriculum Provision



Module One Admission Module


Opening ceremony


Shanghai Jiao Tong University campus with hundreds of years of history


Visiting Qian Xuesen Library





Module Two  Wealth Appreciation Module




()世界经济形势分析与中国宏观政策Analysis of global economic situation and Chinese macroscopic policies




Global investment




Analysis of Chinese macroscopic economy


Global investment trend




Influences of consumption and investment on the equilibrium of national economy


Global investment dynamic condition




Financial situation and hotspot under new normal state


Overview of global investment project




 “Opportunities and challenges” in Chinese economic new period


Overseas asset  investment and allocation




The 13th Five-year Plan: strategic emerging industry, RMB internationalization





Chinese economy after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China




中国资本市场的历史演变及多层次资本市场分析Historical evolution of Chinese capital market and analysis of multi-level capital market








 “World perspective” of the general trend of Chinese economy


Financial investment market





Private equity investment




Stock investment strategies


Overview of private equity




Value investment ideals and strategies

私募基金的政策法规与操作方略Policies, regulations and operational strategies of private equity




Market analysis and industrial analysis


Three core abilities of private equity investment




Company analysis and stock choices

私募股权基金的运作流程Operational procedure of private equity fund




Stock market investment decisions


Investment principles of private equity fund









Constant return and bonds




Hedge fund


International bond market




Introduction to hedge fund


Analysis on constant return




Investment strategies of hedge fund


Investment on bond derivatives



对冲基金的风险Risks of hedge fund


Subordinated debt problems













Financial derivatives



8.外汇投资Foreign exchange


Securities margin trading




Operation of global foreign exchange market


Stock index futures




Major currency fundamental analysis


Investment on financial derivatives




Explanation of economic data and Central Bank’s monetary policy


Gold and futures investment




Complete mental cultivation of foreign exchange


Gold real investment





Strategies and tactics of gold investment




商品期货投资Commodity futures investment





Analysis of commodity futures market









Trust management





Origin of trust management and application in the world




信托引入我国以来的发展,法律法规等背景介绍Development of trust since its introduction into China and background introduction of laws and regulations




Types and functions of trust and its unique rule in wealth creation, management and succession


Case of overseas family trust











()非金融投资市场Non-financial investment market





Real estate investment




Art investment


Wealth creation road in China




Art appreciation and investment


Chinese macro economy and development trend of real estate in four major cities



Art investment and auction


上海经济与房地产宏观走势分析Shanghai economy and macro trend analysis of real estate




Antique and painting and calligraphy collection and investment


Investment strategies of overseas real estate




Contemporary art appreciation and collection   


How private investors invest real estate




Jewelry and jade collection and investment





Art, human brain and mental investment










Module Three  Wealth Succession Module





Marriage economy and family wealth management



Asset allocation and portfolio forum  

中国当前婚姻家庭纠纷新的特点Characteristics of contemporary marriage and family disputes in China




Face to face with investment masters

家庭财富的转移、规划和财产传承Transference, planning of family wealth and property succession




Maneuvers of family asset allocation


Property balance between spouses and children of remarried wealthy people



Actual practice and stock operation of stock investment

家庭不动产投资的权属设置技巧Ownership setting skills of investment in family real estate





Family governance and cultural succession









Innovative family business




Tax planning of wealthy families


Particularity of family business




Finance and tax risks


Cruise and innovative family business




Tax planning principles

家族性 + 创造性 = 竞争优势Family + innovative= competitive advantages




Personal finance


Innovative family entrepreneurs




Individual face-to-face communication with experts


Hundred years of plan for family business













Module Four  Wealth Wisdom Module





Book of Changes and wealth




Explanation of wealth and essentials of the eclectics


Decoding Book of Changes




Sun Tzu’s the Art of War and the Art of Business



Guiguzi and combining vertically and uniting transversely

探索人生规律 打造财富人生

Decoding the origin, function, intention and rules in Book of Changes with unique viewpoints. Exploring life rules and creating wealthy life




The Emperor’s Internal Canon of Medicine and health maintenance




Legalists and control force

Understanding the operational rules of life and creating a happy and perfect life









Module Five  Wealth Experience Module





Wealth game  





Risk preference and management





Simulated investment practice











财富私董会 Private Wealth Club

家庭亲密日 Family Day

品质生活汇(高尔夫、红酒、珠宝、马术、游艇会、奢侈品、旗袍) Quality life club (Golf, wine, Golf, wine, jewelry, equestrian, yacht club, luxury, cheongsam

善富会(天使妈妈)  Charity society(Angel mother)




Module Six  Journey of Wealth Module (elective)





Journey of wealth





Journey of exploration of Swiss private banks





Journey of wealthy culture home of American wealthy people




日本百年家族企业传承参访之旅Journey of hundreds of years of family business succession n Japan




新加坡/香港金融投资考察之旅Journey of financial investment exploration in Singapore/ Hong Kong









Module Seven Graduation Module





Graduation ceremony


Prize-awarding ceremony






历年 校友构成】Over the Years  Alumnus


1. Industrial distribution


  39%  制造业manufacturing

  19%  金融业The financial sector

  13.3  其他(包括文体育娱乐、传媒、科学研究技术服务等)Other (including sports entertainment,   media, scientific research, technical service, etc.)

  12.6%  商品贸易、产品代理、商务服务Trade in goods, product agent, business service

  4.6%  房地产业、建筑、采矿The real estate industry, construction, mining

  3.5%   信息传输、计算机服务和软件业Information transmission, computer services and software

  2.3%  餐饮、住宿、旅游Catering, accommodation, travel

  2.5%  交通运输、仓储物料Transportation and storage materials

  1.4%  农、林、牧、渔业Agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery

  2%   公共事业Public utilities




(一) 职业分布:

2. Professional distribution


46%  企业主(包括创业家、企业家)Business owners (including entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs)

25%  企业CEO及高管Company CEOSenior management

18%  富有人士Wealthy people

  6%  自由职业人士Free profession person

  5%  专业投资人Professional investors




【拟邀师资】Tentative Invested Teachers


Andrea Kuhn Senn

国际财富管理标准发展委员会International Wealth Management Standard Development Board,简称“IWMSDB”)主席、首席执行官 Andrea 是一个在金融领域有着商业管理和实战背景的教育专家. 她最早在瑞士一家国际银行担任行长. 之后她在瑞士及其他国家从事人力资源并获得了丰富的经验. 作为一个CEO,她在现有的银行间创立了一个新的产业,瑞士教育中心-CYP,在2004-2013CYP一直引领着瑞士的银行业. CYP被看作是金融教育的标准组织。

The chairman and CEO of International Wealth Management Standard Development Board (IWMSDB)Andrea Kuhn Senn is a passionate educational expert in financial field with legal scholarship background of business administration and operation. She began her career as a banker in an international Swiss Banks. Later, she worked in human resource management/human resources development and obtained experience in Switzerland and abroad. As CEO, she created a specific industryThe Swiss extensive education centerThe "Youth Talent" (CYP) in the active Banks and leading Swiss bank between 2004 and 2013. CYP is considered as standard group of financial education.


Urs buchmann伍兹布克曼


Vice President of Greater China of Credit Suisse Group in Hong Kong. Dr. Buchmann joined Credit Suisse in 1985 and became the bank's chief representative in 1987. Later, he held the post of President of China Area of Credit Suisse First Boston. Since 1997, he served as President of Chinese financial services in Credit Suisse. In 2007, he became the President of Chinese corporate banking business. In September 2009, Dr. Buchmann was appointed as the member of Credit Suisse Enterprises and Institutional Client Management Committee and became the Vice President of corporate and institutional clients in Asia-Pacific Region in August 2015. He is good at coordinating various credit business units and developing investment returns for Chinese and Asian companies and institutions.



Pierre DuPont V.皮埃尔杜邦


Pierre dupont family is a global enterprise based on scientific research, business in 70 countries worldwide, a total of more than 79000 employees.There are 135 production and processing facilities.In the United States has more than 40 r&d and customer service laboratories, in 11 countries more than 35 laboratoriesThe fifth generation Pierre DuPont, providing advisory services for nearly 400 family offices in global, DuPont explained the problems and coping styles on family wealth management by the instances of more than 600 families he served and his family. Local family offices which participating in the course also put forward the problem and answer by DuPont. All institutions gave high evaluation on his professional. c American education.



上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院金融系主任,教授;现代金融研究中心主任。上海市政府发展研究中心发展战略研究所潘英丽(国际金融中心建设)工作室首席专家。研究方向:国际金融;货币与银行研究。 研究领域:开放条件下的宏观经济理论和政策;国际金融与国际金融中心;经济发展中的币与银行研究。

Pan Yingli

Chairman of Financial Department and professor of Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityDirector of Modern Financial Research CenterChief expert of Pan Yingli (International financial center construction) Studio of Development Strategy Research Institute of Development Research Center of Shanghai Government Research interests:  International Finance, currency and bankingResearch areas: macroeconomic theory and policy under open condition; International finance and international financial center The currency and banking research in economic development.



上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院金融系副教授,2006-2009年任上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院金融系执行系主任, EMBA和高级管理人员《公司金融》课程教学,主要研究方向:中国企业的公司金融战略;担任多家企业咨询顾问,承担了政府和公司的决策咨询项目;家族企业控制与传承是上海电视台第一财经《解码财商》主讲嘉宾,近年专注互联网金融课题研究。


Fei Yiwen

Associate professor of Financial Department of Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University Executive chairman of Financial Department of Antai College of Economics and Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University in 2006-2009Teaching "Corporate Finance" for EMBA and senior management personnel Consultant for many companies Responsible for decision-making consultation project of government and corporateMain research interests: corporate financial strategy of Chinese enterprises family business control and inheritance. Guest speaker of "Decoding Financial Quotient", CBN, Shanghai Television Station; Focus on Internet financial research in recent years.



复旦大学管理学院财务金融系教授、博士生导师,复旦大学EMBA授课教授,06年华盛顿大学访问学者,上海市曙光学者;主要研究方向: 致力于财务管理、资本市场、宏观经济领域的学术研究;孔教授理论基础扎实,视野开阔,语言幽默,深入浅出,是复旦大学最受EMBA学生欢迎的授课教授之一。

Kong Aiguo

Professor and doctoral supervisor of Division of Accounting & Finance of the School of Management, Fudan University Teacher of EMBA of Fudan UniversityVisiting scholar at the University of Washington in 2006 Shanghai Dawn scholars Main research interests :Mainly engaged in academic research in financial management, capital markets and macroeconomic fieldProfessor Kong has solid theory foundation, wide vision and humorous language, and explains the profound in simple terms. He is one of the most popular teaching professors among EMBA students.



上海高级金融学院副教授,主要研究领域包括行为金融、市场微观结构和国际金融市场。实践研究是私人财富管理领域,他是《财富管理 》杂志编委,《福布斯中文网》、《财富中文网》、《新浪财经》,《华夏理财》、《财富管理》等媒体的财富管理专栏撰稿人及《家族办公室全书》和《家族办公室指南》书籍中文译者。

Wu Fei

Associate professor of Shanghai Advanced Institute of FinanceMain research includes behavioral finance, market microstructure and the international financial marketPractice research is in the field of private wealth managementHe is an editorial board member of “Wealth” Columnist of wealth management of "Forbes China", "Fortune China", "Sina Finance", "HuaXia Wealth" and "Wealth", and Chinese translator of “Family Office "and “Family Office Guide".



中欧国际工商学院管理学教授、中欧领导行为实验室研究主任。曾任长江商学院管理学教授和副院长、新加坡国立大学商学院副院长、美国麻省大学博士,《亚太管理学杂志》副主编。是新加坡国立大学商学院EMBA课程、国际MBA的创办主任和高层经理教育联执主任。主要研究领域为华人企业管理及领导,跨文化管理,人力资源管理以及女性领导与企业家等。在,Human RelationsFamily Business Review Journal of Management Development Journal of Entrepreneurl Behavior Research和《管理世界》等国内外期刊上发表著述多篇。

Li Xiujuan

Professor of managmentCEIBS Research director of Leadership Behavioral Laboratory. Management professor and deputy director of Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business Vice President of Commercial College of National University of Singapore Ph.D. of the University of Massachusetts; Associate editor of the Journal of Asia Pacific ManagementFounding director of EMBA and International MBA of Commercial College of National University of Singapore and co-executive director of high-level manager education;Main research field is Chinese business management and leadership, cross-cultural management, human resource management as well as female leadership and entrepreneurship;Published many essays on journals at home and abroad such as Human Relations, Family Business Review, Journal of Management Development, Journal of Entrepreneurl Behavior Researchand Management World.



上海财经大学金融学院,博士后,教授,博士生导师。教授课程: 投资学、行为金融学、证券投资基金学、金融工程学 研究领域: 研究方向为资本市场投资与管理。目前的研究包括基金治理、金融投资工具运用、投资者行为、行为金融学等。

Lu Rong

Postdoctor, professor and doctoral supervisor of School of Economics and Finance of Shanghai University of Finance and EconomicsTeaching courses: Investment Principles, Behavioral Finance, Securities Investment Funds and Financial Engineering;Research area The research direction is the capital market investment and managementThe present study includes fund management, application of financial investment tools, investor behavior and behavioral finance and etc.




Hua Wei

The executive vice president of East Real Estate Institute of East China Normal UniversityConsultant expert of marketing decision of Construction MinistryCredit investigation expert of Shanghai headquarters of Central BankVice President of Shanghai Land SocietyConsultant for many local government and enterprise group.


傅连康 上海对外经贸大学金融学系主任;清华大学、北京大学、复旦大学、上海交通大学EMBA课程特聘教授。主要研究领域:投资分析、公司财务管理、国际金融、货币理论与政策等。复旦大学经济学系本科毕业,经济学学士;上海财经大学国际金融专业研究生毕业,经济学硕士;在上海对外经贸大学(原上海外贸学院)任教,先后讲授《投资分析与组合管理》、《国际金融》、《公司理财》、《会计学》等几十门课程,兼任公司投资顾问、财务顾问,中国国际经济合作学会、上海国际贸易学会会员。

Fu Liankang

Department head of Finance Department of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics

Specially-appointed professor for EMBA course of Tsinghua University, Peking University, Fudan University and Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversityThe main research areas: Investment analysis, company financial management, international finance, monetary theory and policy and etc.Achieved bachelor of economics from the department of economics of Fudan University Achieved master of economics from international finance department of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics eacher from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (Formerly Shanghai Institute of Foreign Trade) for Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, International Finance, Corporate Finance, Accounting and other dozens of coursesCompany investment adviser and financial consultant; member of China Association for International Economic Cooperation and Shanghai International Trade Association.




Wang Depei

Vice president and chief researcher of China Society of Economic Reformfamous economistenjoy the special allowance from the State CouncilprofessorCompiled and created "High-level Internal Reference", "Analysis of Forecast", “Economic Forecast” and other internal reports, which paid much attention by the leaders of the state organs and enterprises and public institutions at all levelsPublished more than twenty volumes of books which including “The Fourth Financial Explosion”, "Rebalancing - Chinese Advantage and American Strength” and other popular predicted monographs.




Zheng Senyuan

Graduated from Finance and Accounting Department of Taiwan Soochow University Internal audit of Taiwan listed company before Secretary-general of Chinese Developing Center of IARFC before Since 2006, he started to build professional certification training system of family financial planning of Chinese Developing Center of IARFC 1500 lectures about wealth management; Specially invited lecturer of the Worldwide Chinese Insurance Congress in 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2012 Individualized studies The role of insurance in family financial planning.




Fan Huizhong

Joined Ivy Capital at the end of 2007 Participated in the investment or project follow-up of Beijing SINO DATA, Jiangxi Guohong Group, Shanghai XuFa, Beijing Boloni, Kunming Yuanhuahui, Zhejiang Crea-Union, Hainan YANODA, Shanghai PLUS, Shanghai Huayan Development, Beijing New Star successively He successively served as the supervisor of SINO DATA, director of Kunming Yuanhuahui, supervisor of Shanghai PLUS, vice president and manager of Shanghai Huayan Development Worked in Shanghai WTO Affairs Consultation Center, Shanghai Fortune SG Fund Management Co., Ltd. and PINPOINT




Zhu Xiaohu

Partner of GSR Ventures Invested five unicorns for 10 years Representative cases: Lightinthebox, Didi Taxi, ele.me, Xiaohongshu and Inke;Master of world economics of Fudan University Bachelor of communication engineering of Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Senior consultant of McKinsey Rich experience in consulting and implementation in enterprise strategy, process reengineering, cost management, IT system and etc.




Zhu Junbo

Director of Shanghai Press and Publication Shanghai CPPCC member and deputy director of the Literature and History Committee of CPPCC Executive vice director of the World Chinese Collectors Convention in Shanghai Deputy director and editor of judging panel of the Beauty of Books in ChinaMaster supervisor of Art Institute of East China Normal University, Media and Communication Major of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology and College of Fine Arts of Shanghai UniversityEngaged in art investment transactions and publishing for forty yearsFounded the first art auction company in Chinese MainlandShanghai DuoYunXuan Auction Company in 1992 and changed the artwork trading patterns in mainland and was praised as "The first person of Chinese auction".




Zhang Zhenyu

Doctor of applied psychology in East China Normal University and associate professor of psychologyDirector of Shanghai Psychological Society Director of the Shanghai Society of Mental Hygiene Deputy director of Shanghai Mental Health Professional Committee Director of Shanghai College Counseling Committee Member of Expert Committee Specially invited psychological counseling experts of Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau Director of Psychology Department of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese MedicinePsychological consultant in various media Had the experience of psychological counseling, college teaching, personnel training and assessment for more than ten years Good at group counseling, career counseling, marriage and family counseling.



北大清华澳洲麦格里大学客座教授,知名财富管理及股权投资专家、国际家族基金协会高级顾问,中房协金融委副主任,现任嘉富诚股权投资基金管理有限公司董事长,毕业于英国Leeds 商学院MBA,天津商学院研究生院,中国注册会计师、高级会计师、注册税务师,1996年创办金桥联合会计师事务所,1999年任岳华集团会计师事务所高级合伙人,之前工作于政府财政部门。

Zheng Jinqiao

Visiting professor of Peking University, Tsinghai University and Australian Macquarie UniversityWell-known expert on wealth management and equity investment Senior consultant of IFOA Deputy director of Finance Committee of China Real Estate Association Chairman of Richlink Capital  Private Equity Management Co., Ltd.; Graduated from Commercial College of Leeds MBA Achieved master degree of Tianjin University of Commerce Chinese Certified Public Accountant Senior Accountant; Certified Tax Agent; Founded Jinqiao C. P. A. Partnershi in 1996 Senior partner of Yuehua Certified Public Accountants in 1999 Used to work in finance department of government.




Xun Yugen

Chief strategist of Haitong Securities Certified International Investment Analysts (CIIA) The third best analyst in 2014 and 2013 of "New Fortune" The fourth best analyst in 2014 and fifth in 2013 of "Crystal Ball Award of Securities Market Weekly" The fifth best analyst in 2014 and the third in 2013 of "Golden Bull Award of China Securities Journal" The third best analyst in 2014 of "CBN Weekly "  WeChat Official Accounts "XunYugenStrategy research".




Zheng Min 

Master of Finance of World Economy Research Institute of Fudan University First registered analyst of China Securities Regulatory Commission 23 years of experience; Macro strategy researcher of Guoyuan Securities Research Center at present Higher sensitivity on financial market changes in international and domestic Engaged in the operation of A shares, B shares, national debt, the buy-back, futures, leveraged funds and all listed varieties of Exchange. Good at starting from the macro fundamentals analysis stock market prospects, the assurance of pair of data and policy have unique insights, good at digging not noticed market arbitrage opportunities.



【招生对象】Enrollment Target


   Enterprise chairman, general manager and other senior management


   High net value personage who can invest higher than 10 million RMB of investment assets


   Middle and senior manager engaged in wealth management


(Need to pass the application and audit)


【学习形式】Studying Form


  Teaching methods: face to face teaching in classroom + case study +actual quotation practice + moving studying tour + workshop


   Teaching time: one year of educational system having classes at two-day day offs


【学员待遇】Student Treatment


  You will be eligible to join alumni association of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Alumni club activities will also provide you with sports leisure, elite salons, management discussion and other series of activities to create a high quality of information dissemination and communication platform to share management wisdom and create a win-win situation. Huge network platform of student resources will enable you to listen to the voice of power in industry to find ideal partner.


  学习期满考核合格颁发《上海交通大学中国CEO国际财富管理高级研修班》结业证书(盖上海交通大学教育培训专用章钢印),学籍统一存档 管理。

  The qualified students will have course-completion certificate of Senior Training Class of China CEO International Wealth Management of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Seal the special stamp of educational training of Shanghai Jiao Tong University). The school roll will keep in the archives uniformly. 


【入学流程】Enrolling Process

提交入学资料:报名表1 ; 个人简历、企业简介; 学历证书、身份证复印件各1 ; 个人名片1 ; 小两寸蓝底彩照2

  Submit enrolling information: 1 application form; resume, enterprise profile; 1 academic certificate and 1 copy of ID card; 1 business card; 2 color pictures of 3.5×4.5(cm) blue background


  Tuition payment: After receiving the admission notice, please remit the tuition to the following account (Please indicate "wealth management" and student's name in "purpose of remittance"), and fax the copy of the remittance to EDP Center of School of Continuing Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. After the payment, training center will issue the invoice uniformly.

户 名:上海交通大学

Account Name: Shanghai Jiao Tong University



    Account Number: 454659250319



Opening Bank: Xuhui Campus Sub-branch of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Bank of China


【研习费用】  Tuition Fee

   报名费:RMB 800/

   Application Fee: RMB 800yuan/person


   Remark: After the application, the application fees will not be returned except that the school cannot provide the studying.  


   学费:RMB 58800 /

   Tuition: RMB 58800yuan/person


   Remark: Tuition is including the cost on teaching, learning materials, lecture notes, tea, teaching management; Not include the course, accommodation, transportation, visa fee and other expenses on studying tour at home and abroad.

【招生电话】Recruitment hotline

    杜老师 /du:   021-54482501 18217611468

彭老师/peng: 021-62932259 15021773269

杨老师/yang: 021-62932259 17301742039



Contact Address: Room 213, 2 floor of Main building, Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Changning Campus), No. 535 of Fahuazhen Road, Shanghai


上课时间/地点Class Hour and Address



School Open: May 30th-31st, 2017, 2 or 3 days a month (Saturday to Sunday, or Friday, Saturday and   Sunday); All courses will be finished about one year (with high-end lecture during the semester);

   1 year of educational system


Class location: Shanghai Jiao Tong University