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2016-01-03 22:12:50 256
Mega English for High School Students!
♦ The program we offer at Mega English is demanding, stimulating, and engaging. It challenges students intellectually and encourages them to reach their full academic potential as it provides them with rich learning experiences.
♦ 明格英语提供的高中生课程要求严格,激励人心,参与度高。它为学生提供丰富的学习经历,这不但考验学生的智力,同时也激励他们不断发掘自我,到达最高的学习潜能。
♦ In addition, Mega English offers a specialized program which prepares high school students for the University Entrance Exam. Our curriculum specifically addresses the students’ needs in preparation for the exam. The intensive program includes: Reading comprehension, listening, oral, closes, gramma and writing compositions. Our teachers employ a wide repertoire of teaching and strategies to ensure students are actively involved in the learning process. The success of our program can be seen not only in skill and confidence, but also in the ability to communicate effectively. Students are challenged to think critically, as well as, being encouraged to see beyond their horizons.
♦ 此外,明格英语还为即将高考的高中生量身订做了备考课程。我们的强化课程特别符合高考学生的备考需要,课程内容包括:阅读理解,听力,口语,填空,语法和写作。我们的老师应用一套全面的教学方法和学习策略,确保学生积极参与到学习活动中来。此课程的成功不仅体现在学生在技能,自信心上的提高,还体现在学生表达能力的增强。我们要求学生要审慎,创新思考,并鼓励他们要看得更高更远
♦ The mission statement of our Mega English program is to provide the most effective educational practices and resources to enable the successs of our high school students. Our specialized program not only focuses on the oral aspects of English, but also addresses their academic needs. Our teachers diligently guide the students to perform and to achieve in the University Entrance Examination with respectable results. At Mega English, our students not only learn English for admission into universities and colleges, but also this is a step into their world of future success.
♦ 明格英语的使命宣言是:通过最有效的教育实践和资源来保证高中生获得成功。我们的专业课程不仅专注于提高学生的英语口语能力,更是满足孩子在学术上的各种需求。我们的老师兢兢业业地指导学生如何应付高考并取得优秀的成绩。在明格英语学习英语,学生不仅仅是为进入大学做准备,更是他们为日后成功所跨出的第一步。